Prospective Client Intake Form

Prospective Client Intake Form

  • Basic Info

    Website URL*
    In your own words, what does your company do, provide or sell?*
    Tell us a little about your project(s) and the problem(s) you are trying to solve.*
    What is the biggest challenge to accomplishing what you want?*
    What is a ballpark range of your available budget?*
    What is your desired timeline?*
    What would success look like in the end?*
    Why does your company do what it does?*
  • Client Demographics

    Our typical clients are*
    My clients come to me because*
    What problems do your products or services solve for your clients?*
    I sell directly to
    Other Businesses
  • Project Features

    I want a
    What's the worst that could happen if you don't move forward with this project?*
    Our project needs to include (information about)*
    What do you like about your current solution? Name at least 3 things that are working well.*
    What do you dislike? What are 3 things you hope this project can solve?*


    Do you have established logo and/or brand guidelines?*
    Do you have existing print materials we'll need to match?*
    Do you have high quality professional images you’ll want ot use for your project?*

    Wrap Up

    Is there anything else you'd like us to know?*